Hod & Netzach (solar plexus chakra)
Hod & Netzach (solar plexus chakra)

Hod & Netzach (solar plexus chakra)

The fire can provide us warmth and light but it can also burst out in flames and burn.

In my journey with fire I’ve and still am learning the art of conversation and been together.
I’ve noticed that when I listen to the needs of the fire she tells me what she needs and she will provide for me.
If I tenderly whisper to her she will have oxygen to flourish and make me warm.
If I add too much wood she will heat up and I’ll need to further myself away and give her space to cool down.
If I feed her with dump wood she’ll steam out until she will be ready to cuddle me again.

In the Solar Plexus chakra I envision us having a sharing circles around the sacred fires learning the art of conversation and togetherness.
Netzach – Men’s circle.
Hod – Women’s circle.